White Label Multi-Acquiring
Smart Payment Split
Cash In and Cash Out
Front-End with Your Brand
API with Your Brand
Anti-Chargeback Alerts

increase in revenue
reduction in processing costs
days payback
Your solution live in less than one week!
How it works
White Label API and platform
Have you ever thought about not just having the best platform technology for you and your client but also having a complete and easy API for any company to integrate?
Hopy Split
Top Tier Implementation
Start selling in less than a week (3-4 business days)
Sky-High Profit
Have more than 3 monetization tools (Cash In, Cash Out, and Advance)
Real-Time Profitability
Have an IRT dashboard to track your profits!
26 High-Level Provider Connections
More than 26 connections integrated into the infrastructure for you to offer with your brand! Including Acquirers, Subacquirers, and Banks.
API Made for Devs
We developed the best White Label API in the market. Have your brand for any company to integrate simply.
Get weekly improvement updates
Our team continuously carries out new integrations, improvements, and much more!
Integrated with the Main Anti-Chargeback Tools!
Ethoca Mastercard and Verifi VISA

Real case
GetCommerce reached out to Hopy Pay with a need to expand their product ecosystem
They were already effectively providing a complete platform for thousands of virtual stores they served, but now they wanted to go further, offering also for their clients to process payments through them, creating Get.Pago. This was made possible through the technology of Hopy Split, a Hopy Pay product.
How long until my solution is live?
In less than a week. Between 3 and 4 business days.
How much does it cost to have my Fintech?
Much less than you think, talk to our team.
I already have a contract with an Acquirer, can I use it?
Yes! Being one of our 26 integrations, no problem!
Do you appear in anything?
No! We are invisible, we firmly believe in this concept so that only your brand is the protagonist.